

Accident Advice Helpline

Do you know that you can call an accident advice helpline if you need help in making a claim? It’s true! A lot of accident claim companies have set up their own accident helpline in order to help individuals by giving advice on how to make a claim.

But before making a call to an accident advice helpline you must do the following:

1. Call the proper authorities

After the accident, you must call the proper authorities immediately. Call the medics if someone is injured or if you sustained injuries. In the case of car accidents, ring the police and tell them your account of the accident. They will list the details on their report and this data will be useful when making a claim.

If you’ve been injured at work, report it immediately to your superiors. They will follow set procedures because they are legally responsible for your well-being.

2. Gather relevant data

When you are involved in an accident you must gather pertinent data after it happened as long as you have not been seriously injured. For work related accidents, make sure that the incident was listed in your company’s accident book in detail. Talk to colleagues who have witnessed the accident and ask their account on it.

Request your doctor’s medical assessment of your injuries. Make certain that they have place or the important details even the smallest injury you suffered.

On the other hand, you can collect a lot of data in the occurrence of a car accident. After the incident, ask the other parties involved for their personal details including their names, address and contact number; their insurance policy number and insurance company details; also note their car’s make, model and plate number. Don’t forget to take down the names and addresses of the witnesses.

Once you finished the steps mentioned above, you are now ready to either call the accident advice helpline. Ideally, these helpline will be answered directly by a solicitor who is suitable to give advice on how to make your claim. But if not, depending on what claim you want to make they will recommend your case to another solicitor who specialises in it.

The accident claim solicitor will give his/her advice to you depending on the account you gave about the incident and the initial evidence you‘ve collected. They must be honest on their assessment of your case.

Before employing a solicitor to handle your case, discuss about the fees involved. It will be better to hire someone who provides a no win no fee accident claim service. This agreement will be an advantage for the claimant because you don’t have to pay the solicitor anything even if you win or lose the case. It is advisable that you research about the claim company first before making a call. This way you can choose the company who’s giving the right service to you.


john..... said...

very helpful and resourceful post and i would like to add that

Filing for compensation after an accident can be a nightmare, which is why a compensation lawyer can help you to run through the accident claim process so that it is as easy as possible. If you have been involved in a road traffic accident then it is essential that you use an accident claim specialist so that you go through every stage of the accident claims process properly which will help your case. The number of people who choose to represent themselves believing that the other party are 100% top blame has often been their downfall. Had they used a compensation lawyer then their claim would have been successful.
This is because there is more than just pointing the finger to a compensation claim no matter if you have been involved in a car accident, injured at work or in a public place. There are legalities which have to be checked and evidence will be sought by the claims court or tribunal.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for useful information.
The Accident Advice Bureau provides free work accident and injury claims advice that will help you get your personal injury compensation claims.
Claims helpline